Emergency Fish Party show – a new perspective on somatics

For thosewho haven’t heard about somatics before in their lives, this show might look alittle bit reckless and hard to understand why people let to do all thesethings to themselves? At least that was my first impression when I saw thefirst episode of the Emergency Fish Party. But not long after that I realizedthat this show is much more than just a group of adventurous people doing extremethings. It’s related not only to adventures, but also to health and lifestyle.Let’s get to know somatics!

What is somatics?

This term is mostly related to the movement therapy and related to perceiving the human body from within. Somatics field is part of movement and bodywork studies. It can be used not only in dancing or bodywork but also in psychotherapy and spiritual practices to get to know yourself and your body better.

What is the Emergency Fish Party about?

The Emergency Fish Party Show includes a series about men’s lifestyleand health. It’s host Dan Sykes lets you travel all around the world togetherwith him and his friends. You can see how they explore the unique and amazingSomatic exercises and arts or, in other words – the body and mind connection. Tohelp to reach this goal the Emergency Fish Party team, including Dan Sykes,will train together with professional Systema arts instructors un martial artsexperts. Training will include fun andintense methods including – kicking, whipping and punching. The headquarters of this show is in the Elk River Studios, and it took 2long years to construct and design it to adjust the building this uniqueproject that will take place in many different countries. The first country they visit is Latvia wherethe Emergency Fish Party team and Dan Sykes start to explore the art andscience of panic. Together with their friends they learn different ways tocontrol panic and how to fall safely on the ground. Sounds interesting, right?And this is only the beginning of the journey that helps educate us and Dan Sykes on somatics!

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