Globalization is a leading concept that in the past few decades has influenced economy, society, environment and business life all over the world. Nowadays, any company that wants to be successful and competitive has to be ready to face the changes globalization has introduced. Therefore, more and more companies seek to expand their businesses on an international level. It’s a well-known fact that one of the main factors for success in any business sector is the ability to connect with your customers and that requires communication in several languages. In this situation translation agencies and foreign language speakers play a crucial role in company’s success and it’s up to every business owner itself to choose the best way to ensure smooth communication with its foreign clientele.
When it comes to translating websites, apps, newsletters and customer service, one of the most important questions is whether to trust a native speaker or choose a professional translation agency to do the work. More and more experts agree – being a native speaker is not enough to provide a professional high quality translation, and here are some reasons why.
Specialized terminology
Every business sector has its own terminology that even the native speakers may not be familiar with. Advanced terminology of fields like medicine, automobiles, construction and even accounting is not something every native speaker knows. As the specialized terminology is a learned skill, not a native intuition, translation agencies are much more qualified to translate texts from different fields than freelance native speakers.
Competency of both languages
While native speakers might have advanced competency of their language, they might not have the same level of knowledge in the language of the source text. In order to avoid mistakes and the risk of miscommunication, expertise in both the source and the target language are vital. And that is what professional translation agencies guarantee every time.
Grammar and style
An important point to remember is that excellent understanding of the foreign language does not always guarantee high quality translations. It’s crucial that translator is able to write a grammatically correct text which coincides with the original message and features appropriate language. Not all native speakers can do that, whereas translation agencies hire professionals who have had previous education in linguistics and have an outstanding knowledge not only of the language but of grammar as well.
One thing is clear – globalization has created a possibility for companies to target different types of new customers from all over the globe. Another question is – will these customers be able to receive and understand the message your company is sending. Choose the professional translation agency Lingverto and your company’s success will be guaranteed. Lingverto has a team of 70 professional translators working in 25 languages, visit to learn more!